Link to: FX CAKE – Season 5 Main Titles, Bumps & Music
Link to Process & Gifs: All Things CAKE
Tag: show package
Kindly asked by FX to package season 5 of their anthology series Cake, we thought of all the ways you get CAKE in your body. You don’t just watch it with your cry-balls, but you absorb it through your sound lobes, your feets, your dainty digits, your beaks, and your teefies. Like a forced feeding of unique content you innocently pretend not to want, this CAKE is getting in.
Building out these ideas into physical realities resulted in a series of automated constructions we termed ‘Mechanicakes’. We built numerous body parts to interact with novel CAKE shapes in distinct fashion. Lifecasts were duplicated from silicon molds, hand sculpted appendages made from foam, and two part epoxy wonders were chemically brought into existence and combined with simple mechanized workings to loop actions over and over. Just FYI, we left out the automated butt cheeks to keep everything safe for work and safe for client, but know we were thinking of you.
Ten episodes, a Mechanicake for each episode. A metric cake-ton of deliverables.
The Mechanicakes are real mechanical constructions built, automated and photographed in the meat-space. Further post manipulations drive the resulting devices into the Venn diagram overlap of motion design.
Hey, we made the music, too. Built from field recorded percussion, we took domestic items like silverware shakes, table top thumps, dough punches, güiro styled knife serrations, mixer motor noises, and other CAKE making related sources for programming. Additionally, these sources were used within granular synthesizers to create melodic tones and lush pads.
But Kaniel, Delly… Why is the song called Waterlanding? What’s that got to do with CAKE? Well, when we are invited to pitch creative ideas on a project, many concepts are left behind. One idea was a sentient bundt cake that soared above the clouds. With deadpan expression, it interacted with sweeping vistas and airline ephemera. With CAKE air travel on the brain, and needing a file name, Waterlanding was one of many proposed music directions. Filenames are weird.
Link to: Individual Episode Main Titles + Bumps Videos & Stills
Link to Process & Gifs: All Things CAKE