<Searching> the shore’s edge you <find> much needed supplies, but <expend> much energy. AP -15. Int +2. Dex -15. Birch +fern.
Tag: monotone
December 15, 2016
The Bridge Wizard <riddles> you “Ice is nice, but wetter is better.” Prompting you to <conjure> a crow to “caw a thaw”. Mana -25.
December 11, 2016
The thaw begins as your <fuel> depletes. You <switch> the radio to AM, the battery weakens. A far off tent preacher can be heard on the softly dying signal “Your future Snake is your Invisible now!”.
December 7, 2016
Failing to <conjure> a heavy fur jacket, you painfully continue north hoping the clouds will lift and the temperature increase. What do you do?
December 6, 2016
You step through the circle and emerge in a frozen landscape carved by crisp winds. What do you do?