Donation Made – Oregon Humane Society

Back in September, we committed to donating half the proceeds received from music sales for the month to the Oregon Humane Society as outlined in this previous blog post.

Time flies and the reports are in.  Now, we’re not talking Danzig or Color Me Badd sales, but based on our quick calculations it could stretch a bit. With it they could pick up over 20 cat beds, more than 400 pounds of dog or 200 pounds of cat food, 400 pounds of cat litter, or even 40 new collars to transition one family’s neglected and under appreciated pet into another’s new best friend.

Thanks to everyone that picked up tracks and helped us do a little something for the little somethings.

So, yesterday we stopped in to make the donation and snapped a couple quick pics while we were there. We tried to match some of the photos to their OHS adoption pages, click image for links. It’s nice to see that some have been adopted since our visit yesterday.


Oh man. You know, it’s one of those places that simultaneously reaffirms your faith in the human ability to help the helpless while leaving you sullen, sad, and frustrated as you contemplate why these very places need exist at all. The Oregon Humane Society in Northeast Portland is fantastic. Providing the services you’d expect, but also such a welcoming physical space that is both people and pet friendly.

Even if you’re not in the market to adopt an animal, it’s worth a casual stop in to check out and feel your heart being tugged gently by soft little paws on the other side of the glass.


Dog pile to make you smile. 

The animals all have comfortable space to live during their stay and the staff buzzes about to care for them up front and behind the scenes. But, the one genius thing we noticed was that on the paper information cards that are paired with the animals in their respective areas not only tells the basics, it also says why the specific animal has been left there. So, when you see Scraps, the short haired pooch that’s giving you the sad-eye treatment, you find out that he was given up after only two months in to his previous home because his previous owner “didn’t have the time” to care for him. Now, if that doesn’t get you frustrated and also trigger a natural instinct to want to help ol’ Scraps to a new home, then you’re just emotionally unavailable. The “didn’t have time” excuse seems to be common, as is “unable to exercise”, or “don’t have the space”.


Look at those eyes.  Are you kidding me?

That’s why we’re all thankful places like the Oregon Humane Society exists. And as such, that’s why we were happy to be able to make a donation. With it, the OHS will be able to continue doing the job we’re all happy to have them do.


Just more to love.

Kittens are cute, but adult cats need homes, too. When we stopped in, we caught “Max” here sauntering about the room he was sharing with about six other cats. There’s just something about a really big cat. His tag says he needs a home that can provide him with exercise, but that should probably go without saying when you witness his 19 pounds that moves about his sturdy frame with a one second delay. He hasn’t been there as long as some others and could already be adopted, but maybe a survey of his chunky self will result in the adoption of his peers, canine or feline.


If you’re in the market for an indoor friend, go check out Max and his other cat, dog, rabbit, and bird friends at the OHS. If he or another makes it home with you, send us a note with a picture to let us know.








Impactist Music: Fifty Purr-cent for Pets in September

You know what Portland has a ton of? Hipsters? Beards? Unemployment? Yeah, there are a lot of those, but we’ve got a mess of animals, too. Cats, dogs, you name it. Seems like every other park has been made dog-friendly, while every street facing window has a cat sunning themselves in it. But, sometimes those little friends need a bit of help from us humans to get back on their feet, return to their owners, or find a new family altogether.


Our cat “Cappio” was adopted from the humane society in Eugene back in 1992 and turns the ripe old age of 18 this month, most likely thanks to the initial care and medical attention she received there after she had been abandoned as a kitten.


In light of her elderly achievement, we will donate half the proceeds of all reported online purchases of any and all Impactist music starting today (August 27) through the month of September to the Oregon Humane Society here in Portland. It’s a great place with a fantastic mission that is fun to visit even if you have no intention of adopting an animal. Browse the cats all perched throughout the viewing rooms that are cleverly setup like cozy home interiors where every cat gets its own bed. That pull you feel on your insides as you look through the glass? Why, that’s just the animals proving you’re an empathetic human with a heart and the capacity to relate to the world around you.


Buy any album, track, or variety of tracks at online retailers like iTunes and from August 27, 2010, through the month of September 2010 and we will donate 50% of the reported proceeds directly to the Oregon Humane Society located in Portland, Oregon.

*UPDATE – This also includes our music that is now available to buy/download as DRM-free high bit rate 320k MP3’s directly from our site.